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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Week: Palm Sunday

Good Morning and welcome to Palm Sunday, the day that marks the beginning of Holy Week. Just prior to this day in the life of the Savior, Jesus and His disciples have been with Mary, Martha and Lazarus at their home. With Lazarus at His side and Martha preparing and serving their meal, Mary makes a gesture of grand measure by anointing the feet of the Lord with a very expensive ointment that has been reserved for the purpose of anointing the Savior, for His upcoming burial.  This anointing can also suggest that Jesus is indeed a King among the Jews. I think it is interesting that on this night Judas confronts the Savior about the ointment selection. But even more interesting is the fact that with love, Jesus teaches a very significant lesson- that He is only to be with them for a short time more and His presence in our lives is worthy of THE VERY BEST we have to offer.
As Jesus and His followers travel the road from Bethany to Jerusalem, they stop to secure the donkey on which Jesus will mount and ride into Jerusalem. This donkey can represent two different aspects of the life of Jesus. First, the humility that our Savior has throughout His life and Second, the majesty of who He truly is, the literal Son of God.
As the procession comes upon Jerusalem, Jesus stops and mourns this great city that would not accept Him as their Savior. I am amazed at what this shows about our Savior. He knows what lies ahead for Him and His thoughts could be on so much more than the fate of this city. Yet His love and compassion continue and His concern for this people never wavers.
A large crowd has gathered along the journey to Jerusalem. Many surrounded Him waving palm branches and spreading their coats to make a path for Him to ride. Lazarus has recently been raised from the dead, and word of this has spread quickly. Many have come out to see the procession, maybe because of this miracle- but this miracle can hardly compare to conquest over death that will occur just one week from this day.
Jesus proceeds to the temple, where He clears the temple of all the disrespectful activity there. I think that for the residents of Jerusalem and the crowds that have gathered, the two events are determining factors for how they will feel about Jesus in the coming days. Both of these events show that Jesus' authority is far more than a prophet or teacher. He has the power and authority to bring life back to the dead AND to cleanse the temple. Those who loved Him probably became more devoted and those that despised Him started plotting.

I have included for today the link to Hymn # 69, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor". Also today I have a short video clip that I hope will bring the Savior to the forefront of your mind this week

 Link to "All Glory, Laud, and Honor".
Make sure to click on "Words and Music" under the Recorded Music section to the left before pressing play.

Scripture Experience: Read about the Events of Palm Sunday
     * The Triumphal Entry (Mark11:1-11; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19)
     * Jesus' lament over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44)
     * Jesus' cleansing of the temple (Mathew 21:12-13; Luke 19:45-48)

Enhanced Understanding

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