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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

I know, I know,
to some people this seems a little late!

Some people are already well on their way
to accomplishing their goals for the New Year.

Well not me,
I learned several years ago that I just
wasn't very good at setting and
KEEPING New Years Resolutions.

And then I figured out why,
it's not that I am a bad goal maker
or a bad goal keeper
or even a bad goal accomplisher...

it's that I need to give myself time to
recover and reflect before I make a
bunch of plans to renew!

When I make my goals after the holidays,
I concentrate on "repair" type goals
or "reaction" goals- things to put my life
back in order after the chaos of the busy
holiday season.

You know the ones:
* Lose 5-10 pounds (or more)
* Exercise More
* Keep my house clean
* Organize my closets...

But what I have found is if I give myself
a recovery time;
time to get my feet back underneath me,
time to clean up Christmas,
get the hubby & kids back in a routine,
than I am able to focus on things that really
matter- that will REALLY make me a better
person. NOT perfect,
but definitely closer to who I want to be!

Usually I wait for the kids to return to
school and my hubs to return to work.
I give myself one week to recover from
holidays, get the house cleaned up
and my routine back and running.
I aim for the third week of January to get started,
but if for some reason, I need another
week, I give it to myself.
I don't rush myself,
because I am planning my own personal
work of art---
ME!! (that sounds self centered, but I promise, it's far from it)

In the meantime, I ponder & I pray!
I am going to say, I put A LOT of thought
into my New Years Goals and
I am also going to say
"It is Totally Worth It"

We plan goals in four areas:
1. Spiritual
2. Physical
3. Mental
4. Personal
(this year I added an extra one)
5. Family (I am the only one tracking
this one in our home, and the only one 
that knows about it- sneaky huh??)

Last year, I bought a special journal
for tracking my goals and it worked
I am doing it like this from now on.

I keep four sections, one for each area,
and than write my goals for that area.
I leave enough room for tracking and
any journal or note taking I might need.
And on a regular basis (you decide what regular
is to you) I checked up on myself and
recorded my progress.


If you haven't made New Years Resolutions yet,
or you never make them- I honestly
would suggest you try this.
It is NOT too late. Who says the Year of YOU
has to start on January 1??

I will tell you all about my 2012 goals tomorrow!
It was seriously an amazing year!!